Wednesday, October 16, 2013



By: Lucas Kirsch


Wisdom can be gained over a long period time or within seconds of learning something that changes the way they think and act towards others. It has been said that those with a vast wealth of knowledge are able to predict the future and upcoming events that others would never know about; I believe that through decisive thinking people can know what will happen. One thing that is always true about such power as knowledge is that there is a good ways to use it and a bad ways. The truth of the matter is no one needs to know mass amounts of information in order to become wise. In many ways I would say that wisdom is a blessing but it can be a curse, knowing things that once said can destroy the world in more ways than one is damnation in itself.

In some ways many things are connected by some sort of process and if not connected then maybe the connection is process itself meaning everything has a process; this is knowledge I learned at a young age which helped me learn.  After ages of asking my parents, relatives, people I know, and even strangers about how things work I came across the word cycle which related to how most things in life have. Insects, mammals, fish, any type of animal in general have a cycle. So I thought what else has cycles well plants, rocks, the earth, the sky, all these things have a cycle no matter how big or small but what makes cycles similar are the details within the process. I started to become more interested in the world and how things worked in a wider scale but I always kept turning to technology and its endless splendor of new worlds and its endless plains of existence. That’s what made me start thinking even further into the pool of knowledge available to me at the time. This brought me to experiences, stepping stones, adventures, and things that would need many people to accomplish but only to the will and the courage of one man to conquer the boundaries and trials that many before could not surpass. Using process I can conduct a result of many things such as how a person would most likely react to something. The reason many people as smart as this don’t show these abilities is because of two things, first is that people can always find these people and make them use their abilities for wrong doing, second and last is that even the smartest of people can be wrong.

What I believe is the most profound speech in existence spoken by none other than Teddy Roosevelt. “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” it is a speech I always remember when I am scared or unsettled. Throughout history there are quotes that have had smaller or greater impact on the world. Many quotes and phrases uttered with such wisdom are plastered across the face of time. Another quote by Aristotle “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” I can remember the first time I heard this quote was in seventh grade looking for a copy of Benjamin Franklin’s biography when I came across a piece of work talking about Aristotle’s poetry.


I have found it is easy to offend people with even the smallest bits of information or in some words the littlest of insults; this paper may even offend some because of the way I word my sentences or the main idea/title. I try not to consider myself wiser or better than most people because they might find it offensive and have different ways of trying to make themselves feel better if they believe in some little way they are useless or under other human beings; I can tell you that anyone who believes this to be true is lying to themselves. Everyone is important I have never seen anyone that is useless or does nothing to contribute to the universe in some sort of way. It is said that everyone has their place in the existence. Each and every one of us brush upon each other’s metaphorical paths of life, influencing even the smallest of grains of sand can bring the greatest change to a human being. No one is the same, even the most minuscule changes in shape and form can define who we are.


What I have learned over the span of my small continuing life is that I will never know everything and I will never know anyone who knows everything in my life, but I know in death that I will know someone whom will teach me many a great things. Many people just might have realized that yes I believe in god and many don’t really give a care that I do, or for some this may affect my relationship with you; just remember Einstein quoted that “science without religion is an oxymoron” this does not explain what his whole idea of that quote was, being that people need a drive, a purpose. I chose to believe in Christ because of many reasons and none of them include it being a purpose in life. It is a way to live and a way to die but in both sides are beautiful things.

It seems like I have just defined pieces of wisdom so here are some things I learned from experience. I was in the middle of English class in middle school, the lesson had to deal with a 3 page essay which to some seemed like a death sentence back then. I was finished with it but there was a another kid that needed help with the piece so our teacher asked me out of everyone in the class to help him out. The thing is that I barely knew this kid so I just asked him what he thought of the piece and he told me how it was a waste of time and why he shouldn’t do it so I asked him what he thought would be a good idea for this essay. He told me he had no idea what to start with, I asked him what he disliked most and he told me the essay. So I told him to write about it, he looked at me like I was crazy then I left his table and went back to mine. He ended up getting a batter grade than I did. That is where I learned that sometimes it’s good to have help. I think this is nearly enough so I will summarize what I have said. Another experience happened within the last year was when an older gentleman was talking to me about how he had two kids of his own and when they were my age. He said his kids thought they knew everything, then he says to me that’s how you are right. I told him that I know very little compared to him and that everyone always has something new to learn no matter how young or old. He looked at me shocked and instantly stopped looking down at me as a young kid who knows nothing. He told me I know something else that he didn’t know and that I was quite wise for my age.


Wisdom can be gained through knowledge or experience but it can take a lifetime to accept the facts that are put before you. Process is a keystone to the way I think and the way many things work. My wisdom came from knowledge which is based off of experiences other have been through. Information can be a weapon if chosen to be, and even the smallest pieces of knowledge can cut through diamond. I’m christen which is another keystone of my life which affects how I act towards others. This is what I believe to be the most important thing I have ever learned and I am thanking anyone who has affected me both good and bad for the idea that wisdom is the most important thing that I have ever learned.

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