Top Two Pick of readings 11.26.13
We all agree that our number 1 choice is Jerry Large's "Gift of Grit, curiosity help kids Succeed". Truly in the real world children need confidence and character to actually become their own person and make their own decisions which puts them on their own path. They need "perseverance and passion for long-term goals". We agree with Tough who says, "If you want success, build character and the rest will follow".
Our number 2 choice is bell hooks "Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom". We came to the conclusion that critical thinking is an important thing for children to learn as it helps them to make their own decisions and opinions about important matters in life. It helps children to look into the details and pull out the images and ideas to sort through choices in life. We should be like the children who "come into the world of wonder and language consumed with a desire for knowledge" who become "relentless interrogators".
At first, we didn't all agree with #2. But after much discussion we concluded that "Teaching Critical Thinking" was a more important piece than Barry Boyce "A Real Education". Barry Boyce talked about being "mindful of others", where we decided that "Critical Thinking" was a more valuable asset in real world situations. We attribute this to critical thinking is more educational than being mindful of others, but being mindful is a subset of critical thinking.
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