Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chalk notes

Man talks about his school life which starts the introduction of the movie. Teacher asks what to your mind when I say history, long silence and then he says that’s why where here. Then a long movie intro similar to the office but with school. Teachers go over first day of class. The teachers don’t seems to be very encouraging to the students they joke in a way which is rude and immature. The movie comes off as being like the TV-show office but is involved with school. The teachers talk about themselves and how they think about the year but nothing about the kids.  The assistant tries to break up a fight outside but she doesn’t handle it very well. None of the teachers seem to be handling things very well with talking to the children. They talk about focusing on the student and nothing even similar to that happens. The teachers are so dysfunctional and they don’t even work as a team, they yell and go against each other in an unhealthy way. One of the history teachers talks about his improvements that he made to his class to help the children learn more but it doesn’t look or sound any different. The group of teachers talk about being role models what a joke. The way the teachers act is so immature they almost act like their students heck they do. They talk inappropriately about their students outside of class. Again the teachers argue and ramble at each other it is just sad.one of the teachers gets mad and throws a chair. At the end of the year there seems to be a better structure than the start but there is still a lot of immaturity coming from the teachers.

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